Saturday, September 8, 2007

Financial Problems??

If the "buy now-pay later" way of life has left you facing a mounting pile of bills each month, you're not alone. Today, millions of Americans are having difficulty paying their debts. Most of those in financial distress are middle income families with jobs who want to pay off what they owe.

If you are having financial problems, it is important for you to act now before those problems get worse. Doing nothing can lead to much larger problems in the future -- even bigger debts, the loss of assets such as your house, and a bad credit record. The good news is that there are solutions. There are ways to help improve your relationships with creditors, reduce your debts, and help you manage your money. In brief, these solutions can help give you a new, fresh start.

First,you have to budget your expenses. Create a spending plan that allows you to reduce your debts. Itemize your necessary expenses (such as housing and health care) and optional expenses (such as entertainment and vacation travel). Start a savings plan so that funds are available for unforeseen but essential expenditures. Stick to the plan......!!! Try to reduce your expenses. Cut out any unnecessary spending such as eating out and purchasing expensive entertainment. Consider taking public transportation rather than owning a car. Clip coupons, purchase generic products at the supermarket, and avoid impulse purchases. Above all, stop incurring new debt.

With that, I really hope that all of us can manage our money as good as possible....



Today,I want to talk about exercise..and maybe details on kid exercise..When most adults think about exercise, they imagine working out in the gym on a treadmill or lifting weights. But for children, exercise means playing and being physically active. Kids exercise when they have gym class at school, soccer practice, or dance class. They're also exercising when they're at recess, riding bikes, or playing tag...An active child will have stronger muscels and bones,be less likely to become overweight and will also have a better outlook on life.. So,parents should let their children playing at the playground with other children..but parents must give attention to the children,worrying if something bad happens..

In addition to the health benefits of regular exercise, kids who are physically fit sleep better and are better able to handle the physical and emotional challenges that a typical day presents - be that running to catch a bus, bending down to tie a shoe, or studying for a test.

Aerobic exercise can be fun for both adults and children. Some examples of aerobic activities include basketball,bicycling,ice-skating,soccer,swimming,walking,jogging and running...

For the conclusion,exercise is not only important for adult but also for children for their healtier life... I love kids!!! hehehe~~